The Voiceless Balls of Fur — Adopt, Don’t Shop

180 Degrees Consulting HKU
2 min readNov 25, 2020


By Pradyut Bhatnagar

The rescue dog that Pradyut adopted — adopt, don’t shop!

As the world deals with the ongoing pandemic, there has been a steep rise in starvation across all species. In Hong Kong, 37.7% of the pet’s population are strays with no access to food & shelter. This statistic might be a surprise to some because our privileged lifestyle prevents us from acknowledging it. Still, there needs to be a call for change. Dogs are an escalated species originated from wolves. However, what people fail to realize is that it’s humans’ actions which have caused the domestication of dogs, preventing them from scavenging for their survival and instead be dependent on humans for their basic needs.

Over the pandemic to do our bit, I was able to push forward communities around me to do better by signing pledges to feed 25–30 strays on a daily basis. In reality, such acts can ideally only be self-driven with intrinsic motivation to do better and help these voiceless balls of fur. It only takes one step to move forward towards the bigger picture!

Lots of residencies in Hong Kong prevent homeowners to have dogs as pets even today. Organizations like SPCA, LAP & Hong Kong Dog Rescue are consistently trying to fight these legislations set in place. To do my bit, I am glad to be working in the team as a consultant for SparkRaise — a crowdfunding platform for social ventures and non-profits fighting issues from homelessness to animal welfare.

At the end of the day, all animals deserve as much access to Mother Earth as us.

This article is part of our new series that gives our consultants the voice to share social issues that they are most passionate about. Follow our LinkedIn for more updates!



180 Degrees Consulting HKU
180 Degrees Consulting HKU

Written by 180 Degrees Consulting HKU


The HKU branch of the world’s largest student-led consultancy

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